Voluntary-disclosure-canada.com | Unfiled Canadian income tax or GST/HST Returns | 416-626-2727

2015-08-01 2


Hello this is Chris from voluntary disclosure Canada.com and I will be speaking to you about voluntary disclosures.
Now what is a voluntary disclosure? Voluntary Disclosure is a method that allows you to file Canadian income tax or GST/HST Returns that were previously not filed or contained unreported income. Filing under this method is advantageous because, if accepted, you can avoid penalties, income tax evasion charges or prosecution.
It is important that you file under the Voluntary Disclosure program with Canada Revenue Agency before any investigation is commenced. A common question people ask is what qualifies for a Voluntary Disclosure?
This may include:
- Income taxes on undeclared income
- GST/HST that was collected but not remittedor on undeclared income
- Unremitted payroll deductions
- Unreported offshore or online income
How can we help you?

We can apply for voluntary disclosure and prepare all unfiled tax return whether personal, GST/HST, or payroll. We have extensive experience in preparing tax returns to ensure that taxes are minimized as much as possible under the tax rules and regulations. We are here to help. You can phone us at 416-626-2727, ore-mail us at voluntarydisclosure@garybooth.com.We look forward to hearing from you.